Tuesday, December 10Current Events

Month: February 2021


Trump increased Republican registration in Queens by 10%

When candidate Joe Biden secured the nomination for president on the Democratic Party line in June 2020, the number of registered Republicans active in Queens was about 126,972. Four months later, that total was increased to 139,556 right before the General Election.  President Trump single-handedly increased voter registration of Republicans by 10%.
Issues, Outreach

Is the Be Counted NYC campaign legal?

Be Counted NYC, funded by the Related Company, sent text messages, did phone calls and a mailing to convert Republicans and other non-Democrats to Democrat by the February 14 deadline. The pre-printed ballot has "Democratic party" pre-checked together with a pre-paid envelope to the Board of Elections.  According to NYS Board of Elections, Lisa J. Blau in the name of Be Counted NYC (Filer ID 22572), personally contributed $1,519,500 as of January 14, 2021. Our Republican response is Vote 2 Party.  Comment? It failed. Number of active voters in Queens went up for ALL parties: October 2020 vs. February 2021 Total registered:  1,260,126 vs. 1,268,878 Democrats:  802,922 vs. 807,229 Republican:  139,556 vs. 139,968 Conservatives: 5,474 vs 5,516 Working Families:3,237 vs. 3,412...

The Awful Truth

Rav Arora, an independent young journalist, wrote an article in the Post today. I think some of the numbers he gave, in trying to explain why some black lives didn't seem to matter in 2020, is telling. Less than half a percent of black lives died in conflicts with the police. In 2020, the homicide rate in 34 cities was 30% higher than the previous year. Those victims were disproportionately African American. More than 1,000 African American lost their lives than in the previous year to homicides. "Violent crime is concentrated in primarily low-income, marginalized black communities where the police are underresourced and Democratic leadership has abysmally failed." Additionally, 90% of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders! A Gallup poll found that 81 percent of black Americ...