Sunday, October 6Current Events

Is the Be Counted NYC campaign legal?

Be Counted NYC, funded by the Related Company, sent text messages, did phone calls and a mailing to convert Republicans and other non-Democrats to Democrat by the February 14 deadline.

The pre-printed ballot has “Democratic party” pre-checked together with a pre-paid envelope to the Board of Elections.  According to NYS Board of Elections, Lisa J. Blau in the name of Be Counted NYC (Filer ID 22572), personally contributed $1,519,500 as of January 14, 2021.

Our Republican response is Vote 2 Party.  Comment?

It failed. Number of active voters in Queens went up for ALL parties:

October 2020 vs. February 2021
Total registered:  1,260,126 vs. 1,268,878
Democrats:  802,922 vs. 807,229
Republican:  139,556 vs. 139,968
Conservatives: 5,474 vs 5,516
Working Families:3,237 vs. 3,412
Other: 32,674 vs. 32,944
Blank:  276,263 vs. 279,809

1 Comment

  • R. Logan

    BE COUNTED NYC does not sound legal to me….sounds like a plan to pick up low-information voters…
    We need 2 parties to KEEP our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC running. keeping the elected accountable.
    .. Jonathan’s ideas would help
    (1) to keep non-citizens,
    (2) to keep deceased people
    (3) to keep persons who have moved to another area
    from casting illegal ballots.
    VOTE 2 PARTY. !!!

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