Tuesday, February 11Current Events

Month: April 2021


District Attorneys refusing to prosecute crime of prostitution

It is now a very unfortunate trend.  Just this week it was reported that Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance will no longer prosecute those charged with the crime of prostitution.  This is a dereliction of duty to say the least.  Not surprising as this has been going on for some time and no one is holding them accountable. Hope that the Republican candidate for Governor will pledge to remove any DA that refuses to do their job as under our State home rule system the Governor has the authority to do so. Alan Fenster

Joe Biden’s definition of a patriot

The President has a very bizarre and incorrect understanding of what constitutes patriotism. To him, you are performing your patriotic responsibilities when you wear a mask and receive a covid vaccine. So those who do so but show contempt for our country's founders and the constitution are to him patriotic Americans. Alan Fenster

A thought on how NY is helping unemployed

A bipartisan bill sponsored by NY State Senator Jim Tedisco to match federal exemption of $10,200 of taxable income for 2020 was soundly defeated.  At the same time the State legislature authorized payments for unemployed illegals in the sum of $15,600 per person. What an outrage but not surprising as the progressive wing of the Democratic party is now in control of the State legislature. By Alan Fenster

Reports of biased attacks on Asian American

Erosion of support of those in the Asian community for the Democratic party are attributable due to the following reasons. The push by progressive Democrats to end testing for admission to the city's specialized schools. Which would place Asian students who make up a significant segment of those who have been admitted to these schools at a disadvantage in the future. By moving to a non merit system of selecting eligible students. Some major Ivy league University's such as Yale, Harvard etc. have instituted admission quotas based on social engineering rather than merit which means less slots for students who merit admission to a ivy league university and disproportionately leaves out Asian students who work hard and academically deserve to be admitted.The Asian community perceive th...