3 Republican Patriots June 22nd Wins!
We are for freedom of individual belief and expression instead of suppression of ideas and dissent. We are committed to growing the Republican party by...
• Allowing competitive primaries and letting voters choose
• Fighting issues that reflect our values instead of staying silent
• Growing Republican enrollment actively not missing in action
✔︎ Curtis Sliwa for Mayor
Danniel Maio for Queens Boro President (off)
Kathy Wu Parrino for Civil Court Judge, 3rd Municipal District (off)
Alex Amoroso for City Council, 23rd District (LOST)
Angelo King for City Council, 24th District (LOST)
Stephen A. Sirgiovanni for City Council, 32nd District (LOST)
Philip A. McManus, Jr. for State Committee male, 23rd District (off)
Margaret Wagner for State Committee female, 23rd District (off)