Based on Special Master’s 2022 map, New York had 4 Congressional districts flipped to Republican in November 2022. Albany Democrats had the Special Master’s map voided and Independent Redistricting Commission’s February 2024 proposal rejected to pass its own version on February 28, 2024, and was enacted by Governor Hochul on the same day. It’s good until 2032.
State Assembly maps by the Independent Redistricting Commission adopted on April 24, 2023. Nearly identical to the “unconstitutional” version signed into law on February 3, 2022.
Certified NYS Congressional and State Senate maps by the Special Master
The certified and approved Congressional and State Senate maps.

Redistricted maps on the New York City Board of Elections website first published on February 25, 2022.
Resources: Have I been redistricted? by Redistricting & You, the Twitter account of Michael Li NYU Law Brennan Center, and FiveThirtyEight.
Click here for US 2020 Census Data released on September 16, 2021. The older version PL 94-171 was made available on August 12, 2021.
Queens Daily Eagle September 15, 2021. The City September 15, 2021.
NYC Department of City Planning published the results by neighborhood comparing 2010 to 2020. An interactive map of the results online. October 2021.
New York State Independent Redistricting Commission released its first draft of Congressional and State Senate and Assembly lines on January 3, 2022. On January 24, it was announced that there was no agreement on the second draft ending its legal responsibility.
Albany took over. On January 30, LATFOR submitted its proposed Congressional maps followed by Senate and Assembly legislative maps. Governor Hochul signed the lines into law February 3, 2022.
New York Post February 3, 2022 Politico January 30, 2022
Supreme Court Judge of Steuben County, Patrick McAllister, ruled on March 31, 2022 that the process used to enact the 2022 redistricting maps was unconstitutional and therefore void ab initio. Click here for list of documents.
The Appellate Court, Fourth Department, having heard oral arguments on April 20th, ruled that the Congressional lines were “unconstitutional” and ordered the State legislature to redraw Congressional lines by April 30, 2022. State Assembly and Senate lines stay.
The Court of Appeals had the case argued on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. It was decided in favor of the Republican plaintiff. Dr. Jonathan Cervas appointed by Justice Patrick McAllister became the Special Master.
On May 4, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan refused Democrat’s request to use voided Congressional and State Senate lines.
Dr. Jonathan Cervas scheduled an in-person and online hearing on May 6, 2022 at the Steuben County Supreme Court, and submitted his master plan on May 16, 2022.
Emergency Interventions adjucated on May 10, 2022 by Gary Greenberg and Gavin Wax to challenge Assembly District maps and by Benjamin Carlisle, Emin Eddie Egriu, Michael Rakebrandt, Jonathan Howe and Howard Rabin for putative intervention were denied. Emergency Intervention adjucated on May 19, 2022 to change signature requirements of independent nominating petitions is also denied.
The maps were certified and approved by Justice McAllister midnight, May 20, 2022. Congressional and State Senate. The musical chair game began.
Requests to waive the signature requirement for Independent Nominating petitions, extend signature collection period beyond six weeks, and move US Senate primary to August 23 were all denied.
Justice McAllister allowed a separate lawsuit against State Assembly lines. Paul Nichols, Gavin Wax and Gary Greenberg v. Governor Kathy Hochul filed such case on May 15, 2022 in New York County Supreme Court. It was denied as untimely on May 27. Was was appealed before the Appellate Court, First Department, which overturned the lower court’s decision.
State Assembly lines passed in February 2022, have been voided by the Appellate Court as of June 10, 2022. The new Assembly plan was finalized by the NYS Independent Redistricting Commission on April 20, 2023, and signed into law on April 24, 2023. It was practically identical to the unconstitutional lines drawn in February 2022.
April 7, 2023 AG James and Governor Hochul urged the court to order Idependent Redistricting Commission to redraw Congressional lines. New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department voted in favor on July 13, 2023. Hearing was held November 15, 2023 before Chief Justice Rowan Wilson. It was so ordered by a vote of 4 to 3 decided on December 12, 2023.
New Congressional lines are to be redrawn per order from New York’s Court of Appeals. Independent Redistricting Commission submitted a version that is similar to the Special Master version on February 15, 2024.
Albany Democrats rejected it on February 26 by 40 to 17 in the Senate and by 99 to 47 in the Assembly. Less than 24 hours later, a new set of Congressional maps was proposed.
[…] State Assembly lines were voided by the Appellate Court on June 10, 2022. The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission was given the task to redraw instead of the Special Master Jonathan Cervas, who did State’s Congressional and State Senate lines. […]