Saturday, January 18Current Events

Are Hollywood’s Elite Supporting Terrorism Against Israel? YES ! Bob It’s a Small World. Barbra Can You Hear Me? Jews, You Are CRAZY!

Author: Stan Norwalk

Are the Hollywood Elite Inadvertently Supporting Hamas and Hezbollah ? Bob and Barbra Can You Hear Me? Do you understand how you are doing this? It’s apparent that you don’t realize you are killing your own race.

Facts for starters:

Iran is the number 1 State sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Iran’s number 1 target is Israel.

Iran’s number 2 target is America who in fact supports Iran. How? By returning Iran’s money that we were holding as part of Trumps sanctions against Iran and choking their ability to sell oil and gas which gave Iran access to hundreds of billions of dollars used to attack Israel and kill Jews. Biden and Obama knew this so why would they help finance the death and destruction of Israel?

It’s difficult or almost impossible for Iran to wage terrorism or proxy wars on Israel without this critical funding. But thanks to President Obama and President Biden Jews are under constant threat. The irony of the whole thing is 72 percent of Jews voted for these two Presidents thus Jews are supporting terrorism on Israel. Jews cannot connect the dots.

When President Trump was in office he killed that deal so Iran could not finance any terrorism on a large scale against Israel. But 72 % of Jews still voted against Trump anyway. Hate Trump or not, he was protecting Israel. Look up the Abraham accords if you think Trump is evil.

President Biden in his first days in office removed sanctions imposed by President Trump which enabled Iran to once again sell 100s of billions of dollars of oil. Hence affording to finance Hamas for the Oct 7th 2023 attack in southern Israel. Thank you President Biden. Democrats should take responsibility and Democrat Jews even more so.

Iran hates Jews and wants to eliminate Israel. So why vote for Presidents who fund these terrorist attacks on Israel directly or indirectly.

Hollywood is part of the problem but we will get into that shortly.

Iran doesn’t want a 2 state solution; they want a “Final Solution”.

Iran doesn’t do its own dirty work. They finance anti Israel terrorist groups like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis for example amongst others to fight for them.

Iran finances their arms, training and all other contingencies from their oil revenue to kill Jews and rid the Middle East of Israel.

The United States of America under President Obama and President Biden send billions to Iran knowing this money will arm the terrorist to kill Jews and rid Israel from this earth.”From the river to the sea”.

President Trump when he came into office immediately put a stop to this and placed sanctions on Iran which prevented Iran from raising any more oil revenue dollars to finance their proxy war on Israel.

This brought Iran to its financial knees with little cash flow and emboldened its citizens to rise up against their oppressive government.

President Trumps’ anti Iran pro Israel policy came to an end immediately after President Biden took his oath of office and signed an executive order on day one of his presidency to end President Trump’s sanctions against Iran.

Billions of terrorist oil revenue rolled back once again into Iran’s bank accounts enough to finance the horrific invasion into Israel on Oct. 7th 2023 the worst onslaught and murdering of Jews since the Holocaust.

President Biden’s reversal of President Trump’s executive order enabled Iran to finance Oct 7th 2023.

Without U.S. sending dollars and ending the sanctions that raised billions of oil revenue dollars Iran could not have funded the terror on Oct 7th, 2023. Without Democrat voters voting for President Obama and President Biden this would never have happened.

1,200 + Israelis and some American civilians brutally murdered and 140 + more kidnapped, many were eventfully murdered. And you don’t hear President Biden threatening Hamas and Iran unless they let the American hostages go and the Israel’s as well.

These are all facts that are incontrovertible and cannot be denied.

The mystery is why would our Presidents’ do such things that are supporting Iran enabling them access to billions of dollars when in fact they are ours and Israel’s enemy?

Here are your choices :Are President Obama and President Biden  anti-Semites, anti-Israel, unfocused as Presidents along with their  Cabinet members; Presidents who had  flawed foreign policy,  were they  bought and paid for,  did they make  forced errors, were they pandering to both sides of the political spectrum for votes, playing both ends against the middle, or did we have  incompetent administrations? Who knows for sure except President Obama and President Biden?

One thing we do know is it was done by Democrat Presidents and their leadership, not in President Trumps’4 year term in office.

Jews if you are reading this, you got to say “HUM”!  Why you should ask? Because 72 percent of Jews plus or minus voted Democrat in the Presidential elections. That’s votes against Israel. Yes Israel gets money from the United States and yes both Presidents say Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East. That’s true in part but looks at the Macro picture. Israel gets about 13 billion from the United States. But the United States allows Iran to bring in 100s of Billions more than enough to finance terrorist organizations to kill Jews.


For every dollar Israel gets , Obama and Biden enable Iran to get 23 times that amount nearly 300 +/- billion  compared to Israel’s 13 billion . Connect those dots. And Jew’s still vote for these two guys. Conclusion: Jews you are killing yourself or aiding and abetting the enemy, Isn’t that treason.

Now my Jewish friends let’s continue to connect the dots. Under Democrat leadership America is   indirectly, inadvertently, unknowingly or perhaps deliberately supporting Iran and thus complicit in the deaths and kidnapping of Israelis on Oct 7th 2023.

Because you helped getting them into office you helped kill your very own. You are supporting Democrat foreign policy and don’t know it. You are true loyal Democrats. Again not the same Democrat party of your parents and grandparents. You are just following tradition. It’s time to take a second look and stop.


President Obama sends Iran 400 million in 2016 held since 1981 plus 1.3 billion in interest much of it in dollars much of it secretly in the middle of the night in an unmarked airplane to Iran the world’s number 1 state sponsor of terror in the world targeting Israel. Why the secrecy?

In announcing the agreement, President Obama said that paying the $400 million – plus $1.3 billion in interest – was saving American taxpayers billions of dollars since Iranians had been seeking for more than $10 billion at arbitration.


Now where does Hollywood’s rich and elite fit in to supporting terrorism against Israel?

Hollywood : If you love and support Israel and want the only Jewish State in the world to survive, then you have to stop voting for Democrats who whether they are Jewish or not pretty much vote as a block and support President Obama and President Biden in sending money to Iran to kill Jews and annihilate Israel.

President Obama and President Biden profess their love and support for Israel. Yes?

Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do. They talk from both sides of their mouths pandering for votes not giving full and consistent support to Israel and Jews.

The Bob in the title is Bob Iger head of the Walt  Disney Company and the Barbra is Barbra Streisand both strong supporters of the Democrat party and haters of ex President Trump.

Here is but a short list of the elite, the rich and the famous some of them Jewish that support terrorism against Israel and don’t even know it. These are the Trump haters who have great wealth and influence like Barry Diller, Whoopi Goldberg, George Clooney, Sarah Silverman, Meryl Streep, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Debra Messing, Michael Bloomberg, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Julia Louis – Dreyfus, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Ashton Kutcher, all the late night talk shows, the media for the most part and too many more who can’t connect the dots and recognize how the United States is funding terrorism against Israel via Iran. Iran is our proxy and Hamas is Iran’s proxy and Israel is the target. Did President Obama realize this; Did President Biden knows this or was these miscalculated errors, unintended consequences or intentional attacks against Israel.





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