Tuesday, September 10Current Events

Mr. DeNiro: Do You Know What American Patriots Do and Why?


Author: Stan Norwalk

Mr. De Niro I believe loves America with all his heart. How do I know this? You can feel the energy, the passion and emotion in his words. He is willing to risk his celebrity, social status and financial stability to fight for the country he loves. He is fulfilling his patriotic duty as an American who has a voice and platform because of his fame and celebrity. That takes courage.

Behind all of this in his attempt to warn and inform Americans is a deep seated hatred and resentment of a man called Donald J. Trump. Mr. De Niro sincerely believes that Trump is the enemy of the people, has harmed and will continue to harm De Niro’s beloved America. I respectfully disagree.

The accuracy of his arguments are flawed. His knowledge and awareness of Trumps policy’s and accomplishments are apparently unknown and/or blinded by his anger as to who is the better candidate for President in 2024.

He doesn’t recognize not even one good thing that Trump has accomplished and without any objectivity he is willing to sacrifice the safety and economic well being of Americans because of this deep seated animosity.

I believe that much of Mr. De Niros arguments are not factual but are deeply rooted in what many call “TDS”, Trump derangement syndrome. No matter what, someone with “TDS” will never change their opinions. Don’t even try to change their minds. It is an effort in futility. And it is with this in mind that I accept Mr. DeNiro’s choice for President but will make a case to show where we disagree.

To begin with, Mr. De Niro has no basic mathematical common sense when comparing Trumps economic policies to those of President Biden’s. Mr. De Niro has succumbed to “TDS”. And for that the cure rate is practically zero.

Mr. De Niro, $2.00 a gallon of gasoline is better than $4.00 a gallon; prosecuting and jailing criminal recidivist is good, letting criminals go free is bad; less crime is better than more crime; a $1 McDonald’s hamburger is better than a $2.00 hamburger.

Sending money to Iran is a bad idea since they finance terrorism against Israel and other countries including our own. Is Bob DeNiro an Anti-Semite? I don’t think so.

Because of President Biden we are paying to house, feed, educate and treat medically 25 percent of our prison population who are illegal migrant invaders is really dumb. It should be less than 5 percent. These criminal invaders should have been removed from the U.S on day one or as soon as we discovered their criminal activity or pedigree.

Amongst the 2 opponents it’s a numbers game. The Democrats make statements without presenting numbers. They do it all the time.
Trump gives you data and statistics from the DOJ, FBI, ICE, DHS, CDC, NIH etc, to back up his arguments. Biden backs up his arguments with more rhetoric, no data. It`s called pivot, spin and redirect.

Mr. De Niro what world leader in their right mind finances and supports their enemies, but treats their allies, voters and citizens like the enemy? President Biden. He is not an American patriot. Biden’s open border policies invite our enemies to kill us on our own soil.
Biden’s policy to hire 89,000 IRS agents to collect money from all Americans to pay for his reckless and extravagant border policy spending on the illegal invaders is psychotic and anti-American. Our government is the enemy within. This is government assisted suicide.

Trumps hiring 89,000 I.C.E. and Border control agents to rid our country of these thugs to secure our nations border regain our national wealth , lower the budget deficit hence inflation and restore our nations sovereignty is good. Biden’s tears down America while Trump builds it back up. That Mr. DeNiro is reality. Trump is a “patriot”, Biden is not! You can still hate Trump. There is nothing wrong with that. And I know you will definitely vote for the re-election of President Biden and Vice President Harris.

Illegal immigrants are taking our tax dollars away from fixing pot holes, repairing highways, painting white separation lines on roads, increasing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Aren’t you tired of paying for unnecessary car repairs?

President Biden publicly invites strangers from all over the world to come to our homes, not to our nation’s capitol, to our residences; He even flies them in without needing a passport or visa but forces Americans and residents to have papers to prove who they are. You have to ask yourself why he is treating us differently as step children when we are the children of America on our own soil.

President Biden allows them to open up our doors without knocking or getting our permission and gives these illegal invaders and strangers’ access to our check books, savings accounts, our food supply, our personal and public spaces, our doctors, hospitals, emergency rooms and more. He gives without as much as a vote or referendum from we the people without due process as is required in the U.S. Constitution. Mr. De Niro would you allow anyone to come into your home without permission and have access to your wealth?

President Biden and his administration intentionally diminish the quality of life of all Americans for future voters. Biden is like a father who betrays his family. He shows no respect, only disdain to those of us hard working patriotic taxpaying Americans who put him in office. This is not what his job description is.

Illegal’s can fly into the United States for free without papers, passports or visas. Americans need to buy their tickets and have a passport. Illegal’s can drive motor cycles, motor bikes etc. without a plate on the back, Americans can’t. Illegals drive these bikes without insurance, Americans can’t. Illegal’s can hit a pedestrian or damage private property with no consequences. Americans have consequences and punishments. Illegal’s can be frivolous with their spending since they didn’t work for the money and they know how to get more without working but Americans have to be cautious because they get one pay check and it has to last or they must get a second job.

Illegal’s get free health care with no deductibles and co pays and don’t have to pay premiums for health insurance policies. That is Biden’s America. Americans are treated like second class citizens while illegals are treated royally as first class citizens.

Under Trump there were approximately 11 terrorist caught and identified entering the country across the border. Under Biden there were over 169 terrorist caught and identified crossing the border. How many “getaways” were there? We will never know. It has been reported that some were here to assassinate political enemies of Iran. Other reports indicate that they are here to destroy our infrastructure, contaminate our water supply and shut down our electrical grid. We are doomed to suffer severely in the not too distant future. Mr. De Niro you are supporting America last.

President Biden allows China to fly a spy balloon over our country to spy on our strategic and military sites demonstrates how week and compromised our President and America is. Biden’s family got money from China without delivering any services or products. Is this China balloon fiasco influence peddling and payoffs for access to our top secrets? None of the fake news, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DOD said or did anything. This doesn’t sound like a banana republic, it is a banana republic. No accountability. This is not a Democratic Republic; we are living in a Dictatorship.

Mr. De Niro are you aware of these inconsistencies and mysteries of Biden’s foreign and domestic policies and did you know that the Biden family received money from China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries? Can you explain this to your followers?

A Russian fleet with nuclear submarines is allegedly 25 mile off our eastern coast heading for Cuba (6/13/2024). Another Cuban missile crisis in the making? Weak leadership by a weak President with a diminishing naval and military force focusing on teaching woke; politically correct policy’s invites serious consequences from our enemies. We have taken our military eye off the ball.

How selfish and egotistical is Biden and his politically motivated Democrat party in transferring mine and the wealth of all Americans, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike to illegal invaders so he and his party can have enough Democrat voters so they can rule like a dictatorship forever. We are a Democratic Republic not an autocracy. You do not have absolute power. You have violated the laws of our land. These illegals are not our invited guests, these are invaders and intruders and you are their General. Immigration application procedural protocol has been trashed and eliminated.

President Biden has committed an atrocity so egregious against the American people and usurped the United States Constitution. This is “high crimes and misdemeanors “. You have betrayed all Americans. This is the worst crime against the American people in American history since slavery.

Biden supports the D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) program another form of racism and affirmative action which was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme court.
Another bunch of letters and words to discriminate against White men, woman and children under the guise of being fair to minorities. What happened to the rule of law: “Equal justices under the law” and “All men are created equal”?

“Woke” policies, political correctness and identity politics are instruments of discrimination that Biden has used to bring our country into decline and less competitive in the worlds’ economy. Pandering to minority voters and pitting citizen against citizen in the worst display of corruption and immorality against one’s own citizenry and country.
Every American in today’s world can compete on the same level.

The “Jim Crow” days are over. White kids are just as important as minority kids and should not be handicapped, marginalized and have to compete in the world with one hand tied behind their backs traumatizing their confidence, self worth and ability to attain their dreams and goals because of the color of their skin. Teaching “CRT” corrective race theory in schools, in our governmental departments and our military is telling all of us that the White man is the oppressor and the minorities are the oppressed. This is a deliberate, organized and corrupt policy of discrimination forcing one race to fear another and creating a culture of hate and perhaps one day a violent reaction ending up in the downfall of our nation never seen since the civil war.

Social engineering has been corrupted by corrupt politicians and the victims are White men, woman and children and yes the minorities they claim to protect all in the name of votes for power.

In Biden’s world illegal invaders come first including seriously ill illegal migrants in need of major medical care are allowed to come to America in large numbers to have expensive life saving and critical medical procedures done at our expense overwhelming our hospitals, emergency rooms, drug and medical supplies and putting many hospitals and clinics into bankruptcy that are closing all over the country. Americans have to wait months to get appointments that they would normally get in weeks causing irreparable harm and sometimes death to Americans who pay taxes, and can’t use their health insurance as was promised and paid for.

And to add insult to injury we are paying for the illegal migrant’s health care and at the same time decreasing the level of care for we the people who are paying for it. This is Joe Biden’s world. America last. Mr. De Niro this is the President you have faith in who you believe is working on behalf of the American people and believe he is the right man for our times.

Having a President who spends almost forty percent of his time on vacation is bad. Having an ex-President who has “promises made promises fulfilled” and more and works around the clock for the American people is good. They say Trump gets less than 5 hours of sleep a night and wakes up full of energy. Biden works less than 5 hours a day and has no energy.

President Trump gave his annual pay check of $400,000 back to the American people. President Biden kept his.

Having an ex-President who has lifted every segment of society economically up in most categories of life here and throughout many parts of the world is good. Having a President who has with almost every decision made created havoc and instability in the world, lowered the standard of living of all, diminished the quality and abundance of our health care systems including the scarcity of certain drugs; contributing and enabling the bankruptcy and closing of hospitals and clinics throughout America , crushing the purchasing power and safety of Americans and people around the world like the Ukrainians, Palestinians, Israelis, Taiwanese, Japanese, South Koreans, Filipinos and others, that is bad.

Mr. De Niro this is the man you prefer as President.  While Biden is burning down and destroying America from within he is also destroying the value of the U.S. Dollar. He is doing all the dirty work of tearing down our country and saving China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and all our other enemies the trouble of doing so . Biden is making all the right decisions but not for Americans.

Biden’s’ family took millions from our enemies and they gave a piece of it to “the big guy”. Is this influence peddling and pay to play?
Jake La Turner (R-Kansas) received confirmation from ex business partner of Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski that the “big guy” is President Joe Biden. Emails between the Chinese company CEFC and Biden family business associates show 10 percent was held for the “big guy”.

There is a definite distinction here between both Presidential candidates. The main distinction is they are opposites of one another. One is doing mostly good things and the other is doing mostly bad things.

Countries all over the world are emptying out their prisons and mental institutions and sending them here and Biden accepts them while the world laughs at us as fools. Mr. De Niro that is bad. He is your choice over Trump. Is this normal behavior that benefits the American people or a twisted idea of what President thinks is normalcy? Where is common sense?

The FBI has identified Iranian assassin operatives here in the United States selected by the Iranian government because of their criminal backgrounds on a mission to kill President Trump, some of his staff and cabinet members as well as any Iranian citizens residing in the U.S. who have criticized the Iranian government.

Illegals are overwhelming our prisons, our hospitals, our schools, our recreational facilities, minimizing our ability of taking care of our beloved veterans who came home from war with impairments and psychological issues if they were lucky enough to come home at all.
Veterans are committing suicide at unusually high rates and we as grateful citizens need large amounts of tax dollars to help them if possible recover instead of giving these moneys to illegal aliens many of whom are criminals and mentally insane coming from over 150 countries looking for a free handout while American veterans and all Americans have to get to the back of the line.

Children’s diseases that were eradicated decades ago here in the United States are back in style and sitting next to your kids in school classrooms across this country and then brought into your homes.

It has been told that Biden said to one of his contractors who did work for him in Delaware that they should tell everyone they did his house as publicity which will bring them more business rather than get paid by Biden.

President Biden has turned the streets of America literally into public toilets where anyone can and do defecate , sleep out in the open, sell and do drugs, rob and assault innocent Americans with little or no retribution. Mr. DeNiro this is the man you prefer over Trump. What happened to respecting the constituency and keeping everyone safe?
Cartels are advertising on social media offering young people to drive to the southern border and make $2,000 for transporting illegals, drugs, slaves to specific addresses and safe houses. This Mr. De Niro is what the administration you support is enabling to happen. This could be America’s last stand before it disintegrates from within.

Gangs of invaders are coming here (MS13, Mexican mafia cartels, Sinaloa’s, etc) and other gangs as well as normal people estimated to be 10 million – 12 million since Biden has been in office. The criminal factor is estimated to be 10 % or 1 million 2 hundred thousand of these misfits, miscreants and offenders who are running around and trashing our country many with impunity and many are over loading our jails and prisons.

The security and sovereignty of our southern border is controlled by foreign criminal enterprises not our border control agents who are busy processing these illegal invaders and helping them change diapers. You President Biden are the architect and engineer of expediting the next 911 Twin Towers attack on American soil, allowing drug trafficking, human trafficking, the death of over 100,000 young Americans a year from fentanyl in order to create new Democrat voters. That is homicidal murder by a U.S. sitting President.

The plan is to create a Democrat ruling class party that will never relinquish power because of all the Democrat votes crossing our borders. This party’s’ agenda is to change America forever into a Socialist, Marxist and Communist state redistributing the wealth of the rich and middle class.

This radical agenda is supported by the financing and help of people like George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos, Barbra Streisand, Bob Igor, Michael Bloomberg, Steven Spielberg, Barry Diller, Tom Steyer and many others. Why? The answer is not about good policy, it’s about “TDS”.

Trump against all political odds built over 500 miles of new wall to maintain our sovereignty and remove these foreign thugs and invaders ultimately saving American and illegal migrant lives. Where Trump had the invasion down to 400,000 annually you President Biden as of June 2024 have it annualized at over 2,000,000(Two Million). And to date since your time in office it is estimated you have brought in more people than our largest cities about 10-12 million new wards of the state. Some pundits say it could be much more.

Mr. De Niro which do you prefer the policy of death by Biden’s border policies or saving lives by Trumps policies? I know your answer because you hate Trump and would sacrifice the lives of innocent Americans rather than deal with reality. American patriots have to make tough decisions without letting their emotions get in their way. That is called smart leadership. In Trumps’ world it’s America first. In Biden’s’ world its America last. Mr. De Niro you have chosen the latter.
Allowing wide open access to our borders by Biden to criminal activities by foreign invaders, we as a nation are aiding, abetting and facilitating crimes against Americans and allowing these invaders to make more money than most Americans can even dream of.

The Mexican cartel syndicate revenues are in the billions. Trump had it under control and making it more secure. That was good. Biden in his warped desire to bring in future Democrat voters is bad.
Biden’s administration quietly offering ‘mass amnesty to 350,000 illegal migrants and is in the process of bringing 150,000 unknown Palestinians into our country the very same people who shout death to America and Death to Israel”. Mr. DeNiro that is bad.
Trump will send them all home.

If Trump were to allow these invaders in he would in his inimitable business minded way (I refer to his book “The Art of the Deal”) of making a profit. Trump would be placing a large tax on every illegal, the cartels who administer the entry to America and the Mexican government with a 100% import duty.

That’s the business end of Trump. Biden lets them in and we pay the illegals and allow the cartels to make money with impunity.
Biden has no business experience and never signed a pay check or employed anyone. He doesn’t understand the words profit and loss. Biden knows how to give our wealth away, spend and print money causing inflation.

Of course Trump is against this invasion so that would never happen. But since Biden’s policies are for this invasion why he isn’t taxing the cartels so the money can be used to help Americans in need as our veterans and homeless.

These invaders are here for the free entitlements and handouts, and some then take their spoils back home. If they are caught doing illegal activities by “Woke” D.A.s they are released without bail never to come back to court and many head home without punishment. These invaders for the most part do not qualify for entry based on the current immigration laws. And even if they did, America can’t afford the overwhelming numbers that have eroded the quality of life for Americans. We have no more money or space.

Under the United States Constitution it is a crime not to protect our sovereignty and our borders thus making Biden a felon and worse allowing so many to die without recognizing or trying to find a solution for it during his term in office. The fake news media follow Biden’s lead and say very little or refuse to criticize him for it. The media are complicit. That is why Trump calls them the enemy of the people and fake news. Mr. DeNiro, Biden’s border policies are killing people which is criminal and that is bad.

Some say you Mr. DeNiro compare Trump to being Hitler like. If Trump is Hitler like than you should go back and study your history books. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel that was promised by so many Presidents before him but none kept their promise. Trump kept his promise. Trump cut off U.S. aid to Israel’s enemies to reduce the incidence of terrorist attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah. No other President has done that. Is Trump a good friend of Israel or Nazi like?

Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem as promised. Presidents before him broke their promise to do this. Trump cut off military aid to the Palestinians under the governing terrorist Hamas administration, no other President did this. Trump as promised recognized the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. No other President has done that. Trump authored the Abraham Accords with the help of his son-in law Jared Kushner which brought peace, economic ties and tourism between Israel, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Sudan and was in the process of having Saudi Arabia join the group until the Oct 7th attacks put a hold on this. Mr. DeNiro that is good. You seem to be selling “America and Israel last” Trump says we come first.

Trump’s daughter is an orthodox Jew and so are his grandchildren; Trumps son Donald Trump Junior was married to a Jew and his children are Jewish. I don’t think Hitler would have tolerated this in his family. Your Nazi analogy is flawed. If Trump is Hitler like than he must hate his family.

If Trump is Hitler like then we need more like him. Pick a better comparison. Your Hitler like analogy does not work. It sounds woke and weak.

Lest we forget that housing in major cities is scarce and in short supply for the Americans and rents are extremely high and un-affordable unless you are a of course a migrant and then you get housing for free along with everything else.

Part of this shortage is the overwhelming number of illegal needs apartments and yes they also live in nice hotels thanks to the Biden administration and the unwilling cooperation of the American tax payer. This is almost as bad as gentrification. Mr. De Niro this is extremely bad when Americans can’t afford a mortgage or reasonable rental prices. Biden calls his economic plan Bidenomics. Taking from Americans to feed illegal invaders. That is what you are supporting.
Mr. De Niro don’t you see what’s going on in right in front of your eyes in spite of your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? Or has your hatred blinded your common sense?

Biden supports teaching CRT (corrective race theory) in our schools to our newest students who are very impressionable. CRT teaches that White men and woman are the oppressors and minorities are the oppressed. Biden is planting the seeds of a future race war.
He is evil and you support him.

Biden supports having your kindergarten teacher and school determine what gender your kids identify as not the parents.
Biden supports destroying woman’s sports by allowing men with much bigger and denser muscles to compete in woman’s sports. This is an attack not just on woman but on our entire culture that should be celebrating the differences between men and woman and not attacking and pitting one against the other. Woman are denied the thrill of winning and competing, the rare opportunity of getting to go to a college for free on an athletic scholarship, the thrill of winning and breaking sport records , the right to privacy in their personal spaces like toilets, showers and locker rooms.

Biden is the man you think is honorable, ethical, and moral and doing a great job for all Americans. Well he left out half the world’s population namely woman. He does not care about our young woman starting out in life to begin a career and build a future some lucky enough to win scholarships. Affirmative action and D.E.I. is another crime against them.

Would you approve of men coming into your daughters private spaces to embarrass and humiliate her or take away her ability to compete in sports on an equal playing field to gain scholarships and achieve new sporting records? This is the man you support.

Biden is the man who makes decisions in favor of our enemies and you overlook that or can’t identify that because of your hatred of Trump. An American patriot as yourself and I believe you are has to make tough decisions.

Biden sends the FBI into school community board meetings to attack parents who voice opposition to these Biden woke policies and declares them domestic terrorist. That is a violation of the first amendment the right to free speech which Biden is suppressing and is a violation of his oath of office as President.

These are the ways of dictatorships, communist countries, 3rd world nations. This is what America under Biden is today. This is the America that Biden created, not Trump.

President Joe Biden says the greatest threat to America is White supremacy and the White man and woman. When you examine the FBI and the Department of Justice’s statistical data base you discover that these are lies and mis-information.

The incidences and crime numbers on record do not indicate this and show they are very low yet Mr. DeNiro your President Biden uses these harsh racist words to pander to the minorities for votes by stretching the truth, misleading minorities, misrepresenting DOJ statistics and dividing us as a nation. Biden said when running for President that he is the only one who can bring this country together. What he has done is perhaps seeding the population for an inevitable race war. This is the man you believe is a better President than Trump was.

Mr. De Niro what Biden has done is immoral and evil. He lies for votes. He is pitting Blacks and Hispanics against White men and woman. That is racist, an evil act so despicable, so mean, so sick, so psychotic that would deliberately force one race to hate another race for votes and has caused violence and death to White men and woman that you see and read about in the news daily. Fake news doesn’t call out Biden for his racist remarks nor do they cite statistics to prove him wrong regarding White supremacy. This is the man you say is honorable, decent and doing a good job. But Trump is Hitler like.
I see your rage and passion and I do believe you have honorable intentions, are a man of courage and deep conviction trying to be an American patriot but your hatred blinds you from what you are seeing and experiencing.

Even if Trump is everything you say he is, there is no question or a single iota of doubt that he has had 4 successful years fighting for Americans. His record speaks for itself. Biden has destroyed much of it and more. The world is laughing at us.

President Trump chooses to focus on the major categories of crime like Black on Black crime in major inner cities mostly blue cities, crime coming in from the southern border, drug and human slave trafficking, corruption in our capitol Washington, D.C. where in the city that makes the nation run, crime is one of the worst in the country while some of the richest counties in the country are around Washington D.C.

Trump asked Chicago mayor and others for permission to bring in Federal troops to begin the cleanup of crime in our inner cities but is always denied permission. Biden does nothing. They (the Democrat politicians) are afraid if Trump succeeded that would have made Blue city Democrat politicians look like failures and wouldn’t be re-elected.

The rape and penetration of our American borders results in the deaths of 110,000 innocent young Americans a year from opiods. That’s 300 deaths a day or one Boeing 737 Max crashing daily killing all passengers and crew. But President Biden never says anything or does anything because the goal of the Democrat party is to recruit future voters so there will only be Democrat politicians forever. Our lives don’t matter but the “Black Lives” movement did matter to the Democrats because they pander to minorities for votes. Mr. Di Niro do White lives matter?

They are more interested in power and keeping their political offices than protecting their citizens by crushing crime and bringing peace to their inner cities. Mostly minorities are the victims. Mr. DeNiro this is not only criminal, it is heartless, immoral and derelictions of duty not to safe guard our citizenry. Where one tries to get votes by false and misleading rhetoric the other tries to get votes by his deeds and actions.

Mr. De Niro we are not voting for the Rose Bowl Queen, we are seeking a competent person who has experience in business and can use that experience to run our government efficiently, keep inflation and crime rates down, Americans safe, support our brave men and woman of law enforcement ,secure our borders, prosecute store thieves, turnstile jumpers, men who hit woman in the head in the middle of the street in broad daylight, protect our mom and pop businesses, keep taxes low, support our precious veterans, build and always have a strong military that will keep peace in the world (peace through strength) and help Israel eliminate one terrorist group Hamas once and for all. They call that leadership.

Is Trump a cad, a womanizer, a man with a big ego, a self promoter, a man with vanity, some would say so and worse? But he is the definition of a true American patriot, based on his actions not his words and a man with great success in business with the exception of a few bankruptcy’s.

He had approximately 500 enterprises with his name on it. Half were not his but he lent his name to for royalties. The other approximately 250 he built were his and only about 5 went bankrupt. 90 percent of new businesses fail within the first 5 years so you have to say that Trumps success rate gets an A+.

Biden’s solution for problems and failures is to raise taxes so failure in government is not taken seriously. In business you either make it and if you are struggling you cut costs, lay off people, cut salaries or go out of business. Trump knows how to run a lean mean business operation. That is why his failure rate in business is extremely low.

And for heaven sake let’s stop supporting and get out of the corrupt United Nations until their hate of Israel is squashed. It is being run by a group of 2nd and 3rd world country autocrats, theocrats, dictators, criminal governments, Marxist, Communist, Socialist and more.

Israel is the only Democrat country in the Middle East, home to Christians, Armenians, Greek Orthodox, Moslems, Arabs and yes even Jews. Which Moslem countries have Jewish houses of worship? Israel has every conceivable house of worship and anyone who is a citizen is able to run for office and represent their constituency in the Knesset their national house of legislation and that includes Arabs, Moslems, Christians and of course Jews.

Mr. De Niro that is morally, spiritually and ethically inspiring to know Israel respects all religions. You don’t have to be Jewish to practice your religion or be a citizen in Israel. Ask an Israeli Arab or Moslem where they would prefer to go to be a citizen. They choose to stay in Israel. Now why is that?

Biden supports Hamas based on his lifting the sanctions from Iran and allowing Iran once again to earn billions of oil revenue used to finance Hamas and other terrorist groups that threatens Israel.  From his first day in office even though we had Iran under severe sanctions long before Oct. 7, 2023 he sends billions of their money back to them even though they are officially classified as a terrorist nation and the number one proxy terrorist country in the world. Who proxy s for Iran against Israel? None other than Hamas whose mutual interests is to eliminate Israel from this world. The only Jewish state on this planet with a small population of 7 + million Jewish people along with millions of Arabs, Christians and Muslims living in peace together a smaller population than New York City.

He then goes ahead on day one of his administration and removes the sanctions on Iran’s oil industry a country that has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Billions of dollars of oil revenue flood into a country that America had on its knees economically and had Iran coming to the negotiation table with very little fight left. So much money that Iran was able to finance the Oct 7th 2023 massacre on Israel by Hamas.


Is Biden Israel’s’ friend or is Trumps’ consistent Middle East policy make more sense. Biden acting like a proxy financed this massacre to kill Israelis. Yet 70 % of Jewish people vote for Democrats the very political party that is literally killing Israelis by their misguided or perhaps Biden’s deliberate anti-Semitic foreign policies. Jews must stop voting for Democrats including the Jewish ones. They all work as a block and now it is against Israel. The Democrat party of today is not the same Democrat party of our parents and grandparents although FDR was an anti-Semite and proved it by his actions during WWII.
Mr. De Niro if you are a friend of Israel and I think you are you have to evaluate the Biden foreign policy in the Middle East.

Biden says he supports Israel so why does he feed money to Iran who feeds it to Hamas and at the same time feeds money to Israel? His administration has no consistent clear cut foreign policy.
On one hand he supports the worst terrorists in the world and then he feeds money and weapons to Israel.

August 19, 2020 President Barack Hussein Obama said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” Mr. DeNiro, that is the man you think is doing a good job, is honest and has the interests of you and the American people at heart.

Did you forget all the money that the Biden family got from China? The Ukraine, Russia and other countries and for what did they give in return? We know what they got now you tell me what did Hunter and Jim Biden give in return? These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself.

I believe you are a true and sincere American patriot. You love America as much as any. But I can’t understand how you think Biden is doing a better job than that of Trump the man you allegedly called Hitler like.
Barack Obama urged Biden not to run for President in 2016 and 2020, preferred Hillary Clinton over his own vice president, questioned Biden’s ability to win, and warned others “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” And he was right.

With all due respect Mr. De Niro it’s time to put your hatred aside and think of the American people. Let’s clean up this country and put America first now and forever.

That’s what American patriots do.

God bless you and God bless America the land we both love.



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