Tuesday, September 10Current Events



Author: Stan Norwalk

Police have been demoralized and threatened over the past few years since the George Floyd incident. One bad cop punished a whole nation of law enforcement men and woman and therefore we the people. It was murder by not following ones’ moral conscience, not following police protocol, common sense and human decency. Yes George Floyd was a repetitive criminal not cooperating and under the influence but when he said he can’t breathe it’s time to help him regardless of his background and behavior. That’s basic human common sense.

The reaction that ensued was an opportunity for special interest groups, politicians and community activists to stir the pot of racism by spreading a lie that White people are racists and White cops are racists. This is hardly the case. Just check out the Department of Justice’s crime statistics, but it convinced a lot of angry and upset citizens to do unorthodox things like burning down businesses, police stations and the like hurting mostly minority communities by their own people who were protesting.

Cops were publicly insulted, humiliated, physically attacked, spit on, threatened with law suits, some were assassinated, some lost their pensions and jobs over real and alleged accusations and complaints. Police budgets were slashed to the bare bone(defund the police was the rallying cry), removing special police undercover cops from the minority neighborhoods and making them wear uniforms so the criminals can see them coming. Eliminating stop and frisk patrols and reducing the number of cops in the terrorist patrols.

Policeman’s families shared this fate with them. No bail laws and the revolving doors of justice that criminals pass through daily with no recrimination made cops feel that they were wasting their time, jeopardizing their lives and the quality of life for themselves and their families.So they took it easy with a police slowdown.

Their morale was at its’ lowest. They felt betrayed and unappreciated by too many including the politicians, the communities, their leadership and the general public. Was it worth it? Many retired early, quit or changed jobs or moved to more friendly police outposts in other cities. Between defunding the police, the no bail laws, Woke District Attorneys who would not enforce the laws, led to the loss of recruits and crime started to rise dramatically as the community retreated indoors and the criminals flourished in plain sight.

The result was and is that police are making much less arrests thus less crime is reported and this shows up in the statistics. Crime is not being reduced , police arrests are being reduced. The Mayor and politicians I believe are misleading us to make them look like they are doing a great job by reducing crime.

Crime is not down. Arrests are down because the cops don’t want to make them unless it is necessary.