Tuesday, February 11Current Events

The Killing Fields of America


Author: Stan Norwalk

The current United States domestic and foreign policy under President Biden, supported by the Democrat party and the silent woke media love open borders or as President Biden’s border Czar Vice President Kamala Harris  and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas says: Our borders are secure.  Don’t they know that this policy is killing over a hundred thousand Americans plus foreigners a year? How? From the flow of fentanyl and other opiods crossing the southern border.  And the answer is they do know Americans are dying and they don’t care.

That’s a part of the Democrat play book, a clever means to get new voters. Winning at all costs, even sacrificing American lives, more lives lost than all the deaths in 8 years from the Vietnam War. Call it collateral damage or unintended consequences? Either way Democrats and yes many Republicans (RHINOS) don’t seem to care. Once these illegal migrant invaders are here we give them more than to any American including drivers licenses and registering them to vote, for Democrats of course .

Who should take responsibility? We the voters who elect our officials. Too many people don’t consider a candidates policy’s as a prerequisite for our votes. Too many vote based on whether or not they like a person or do they come from the same culture or vote based on race and ethnicity.

If you or I attempted to kill someone guess where we would be. In prison. Not our government. They can do whatever they like without any noise from the woke media, no accountability or consequences. People like Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Jimmy Kimmel, George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, all the late night talk shows, Barbra Streisand, Bob Iger, many Hollywood Icons and business people and probably close to half of the voting population support the man who created this environment by none other than President Biden and his administration.  Where is George Soros when you need him?

Those with “TDS” or Trump derangement syndrome are incurable so don’t bother trying to change their minds. It is a deep seated hate where they can’t intellectualize why they prefer President Biden over President Trump. When they go to the gas station or buy food, or pay the rent, real estate taxes, and utility bills or have to tell the kids we can no longer go to McDonald’s or KFC because things got expensive, these folks can’t connect the dots. People on entitlements don’t care nor do the very rich. It is the middle class who should start figuring out what is going on.

While our government over regulates every nook and cranny of our tax over paying lives including  our businesses, jobs, air, global warming, pharmacy’s, medical profession, water, automobiles, aviation, beauty salons, barber shops, nail salons, street vendors, restaurants and I could go on and on. Not the border or the cartels or anything that would stop the flow of future voters.

What is the most corrupt, undeniably evil, immoral and criminal policy is our American government not regulating, or trying to control, completely ignoring and overlooking one of the greatest most lucrative positive cash flow criminal business enterprises in the history of our country. The Mexican cartel in an alliance with China killing our kids, our future. Out of control, not regulated because it is an illegal enterprise but allowed to thrive and prosper again as a recruitment tool for future Democrat voters.

Success at the border by these criminal enterprises is almost guaranteed. You don’t need a license, a work permit, you don’t need any schooling or training, every dollar you earn is tax free from federal, state and city taxes and you can kill people without any repercussions or accountability.

But not if you own a beauty salon, are a street food vendor, have a corner grocery store, drive a taxi, drive a car or motor  bike, want to do a neighborhood street party, protest in the street, have a parade, then you need government. Etc.  Crossing the border illegally, selling drugs, human slave trading, child labor, Uncle Sam looks the other way and you are free to do as you please.

You don’t have to be a resident or citizen and it’s even better if you are not. You don’t need a permit or any special training to carry a gun or automatic weapon to protect your business or your life unless you are in American law enforcement or a citizen of the United States. I am talking about the drug industry, not the legal one, the other one.

These enterprising narcotics business people are living the American dream. They get their support from one of America’s biggest most feared enemies, that being China acting in concert with President Joe Biden’s administration. These unregulated, unlicensed, untaxed criminals are able to move freely back and forth across our fragile borders without a passport or a visa to conduct activities unlike Americans who are required to have these documents. And you don’t need to have your Covid shot or even prove you had it unless of course if you are a legal, law abiding, taxpaying, patriotic American. Then you are held to the highest standard.

This is an unintentional conspiracy bringing enemies, criminals and the United States government acting in concert together to harm our nation. Who benefits? China, Mexican cartels, any enemy of the United States, drug dealers throughout our country and believe it or not, yes the Democrat party all working together in an unwittingly symbiotic alliance to do what? Gain new Democrat voters.

How so you obviously ask. What is the rationale behind this insanity?  A major priority of the Democrat party and the Biden administration is to sign up voters that will keep them in power as long as possible. An American life, the quality of life in every neighborhood in America, it means nothing. I am talking about 110,000 deaths from these narcotics crossing our border. The media never talks about it or places blame where it belongs which is our representatives in Washington D.C. one of the most dangerous crime ridden neighborhoods in the country right here in our nation’s capital. Democrat politicians don’t care about you nor do the ‘RHINOS’, Republicans in name only.

That smells like a” RICO” statute violation? But since the justice department is controlled  and working as an arm of the Democrat party and President Biden with the help of unknowingly, naive, innocent minded Hollywood elite, half the American voting population, much of the media, late night talk show hosts, the DOJ etc  they will never be investigated or charged. They won’t charge the President with a crime but they will charge President Trump with 34 felonies for a book keeping entry in his business ledger.

The ones who get charged are their political enemies to keep them out of power from representing the other half of the voting public. The main target is President Donald J. Trump, his allies and friends who get investigated, charged, indicted, put on trial and face the consequences.

While President Biden is bringing in new voters he is simultaneously eliminating his political opponents. That is part of the Democrat playbook for getting power and keeping it. Power and influence is a drug that appears to be gotten by ill means.

One of the greatest ploys and tricks that our justice department that is apparently controlled by President Biden uses to bait and catch their “fish” aka political enemies for example is to invite one of Trumps people to come have a meeting to talk to the DOJ or the FBI. They are told they don’t need an attorney present; just want to have an informal meeting. The unsuspecting person which in reality is the target of the Biden administration appears at the meeting gets interviewed and leaves.

Here is an example of how it works. You are interviewed for several hours. Everything is recorded, they ask you innocent questions. Then they call you back at a later time perhaps weeks or months later and interview you again. Some of your answers you may not recall since time has gone by. You may have mixed your dates up or names or locations. Any inconsistency in your answers is considered a lie and you are then charged with perjury. This is called a “process crime”. A trick of the trade to get their target.

You are then put on trial, have to pay for an expensive lawyer who has to be certified to practice law in Federal court. The prosecutors will try and entangle your family into the web. In order to avoid large legal fees, and the entanglement of perhaps members of your family you agree to a plea bargain even if you believe you are not guilty. The governmental pressure is enormous and financially depleting. Many go into bankruptcy trying to defend themselves. Many plead guilty to avoid these tremendous and stressful burdens including financial, emotional as well as keeping ones family out of the picture. That is why the DOJ and local D.A.s and state Attorney Generals have a conviction rate of over 90%. It’s not justice, its pressure and the fear of facing bankruptcy,

When it comes to the border crisis some say President Biden just looks the other way but he knows what he is doing. Too many Americans don’t realize what he is doing. So as crazy as it sounds President Biden is working with China and the Cartels to kill our citizens contaminate our culture, corrupt our society and what do we get for it? Lots of new Democrat voters for the future so there will be a one party system and you will never see another Republican or Independent President ever again. There are words for that: Dictatorship, autocracy, communism, banana republic, monarchy, oligarchy and perhaps a theocracy etc.

By the way Joe says the border is safe and secure. Does he really believe that? Let’s ask Dr. Jill Biden his wife or Kamala Harris who was appointed to fix the border crisis nearly 4 years ago and let’s not forget Alejandro Mayorkas head of Homeland Security who said the border is secure. They ought to know since they are in charge. We are just common ordinary citizens trying to make it through the week.

If you put President Biden in charge of the Mojave Desert he would assign Kamala Harris as the Desert Czar and there would be a shortage of sand in 5 years. And since it is a Democrat administration, 90 percent of the media would overlook it. Too much of the media acts as if it  is a branch of the Democrat party not reporting the news fairly and being a watchdog for the American public. There is too much bias against the conservative right which equates to Americans not getting an objective reporting of the news.

How does our government who holds its citizens up to a high standard to follow the laws allow indiscriminately unknown, unvetted illegal migrant invaders into our country to collect everything for free when they expect us to earn 40 quarters of employment to get social security and wait till we reach a ripe old age of 62 or higher.

They become eligible with zero quarters but instead of calling it social security they call it Medicaid. Instead of having to work here and pay payroll taxes, workers comp, State Federal and City taxes they pay nothing and get all benefits with no co pays, deductibles or paying insurance premiums. We are a nation of suckers who cannot connect the dots. The Democrat party is betting we are either stupid or uninformed or trust and hold the Democrat party as credible.


For every American who is murdered , raped, assaulted , robbed , or a victim of any crime by an illegal migrant invader, their blood is on the hands of President Biden and his border policy team which includes Kamala  Harris , Alejandro Mayorkas and maybe even Dr. Jill Biden who as a wife has a major influence on the President’s decisions.

To put this into perspective, let’s compare 8 years of our active fighting in Vietnam with the loss of 58,220 American service men and woman. That is an annual loss of 7,278 lives per year over 8 years. While now we have no war but losing 110,000 young men and woman  each year from fentanyl and other opiods. During the Vietnam War era there were protests and rioting in the streets. But today  under President Biden’s open border policy no one is protesting except the southern border Governors. Don’t these lives matter? And why are we allowing China to export to us this poison and allow the Mexican cartels to sell and distribute this crap and make billions at the cost of American lives. Has Hunter Biden, Joe’s son’s business with China compromised our President? Then why has he allowed China to bring fentanyl into our country and allow China to fly spy balloons over our nation? Our government is failing us dramatically and no one is paying attention. Where is the media whose job it is to inform the nation and  factually and challenge injustices? Instead they are behaving like an arm of the Democrat party. The media  could be the 5th column.

This is  the Democrat parties policy that Robert DeNiro, the Hollywood elite, the Stephen Colbert show, Jimmy Kimmel show, Jimmy Fallon show, Seth Meyers show, Rachel Maddow show,  the woke left, the liberal media like CNN, NBC, NPR, ABC, MSNBC, The New York Times,  the Huffington Post, Washington Post and others are supporting. The woke media is another branch of the Biden administration.

Death of Americans is like a sport for Democrats and to the victor gets more imported votes. Yes they are the architects and complicit in the deaths of their citizens all for the sake of getting new and more Democrat voters in the future .It’s time for Americans to connect the dots and get an antidote for “TDS” Trump derangement syndrome. It’s a sever and deadly sickness.

Open borders results in over 300 dead Americans a day or over 110,000 a year. That’s equivalent to having 2 Boeing 737 Max 800 airplanes crash every day killing all occupants.

That type of tragedy would never be tolerated and would be stopped immediately but not as long as President Biden and the Democrat party’s play book death plan is in effect. Add in illegal invaders who die on the way here and we have more dead innocent people.

Yes, illegals are innocent for the most part with the exceptions of those who are coming here to use us or kill us. But they are crossing our border illegally and are therefore illegal invaders even though they were invited by President Biden. His invitation violates one of the most important fundamental statues of the United States Constitution, to protect our borders and our nation’s sovereignty.

When you go to the polling booths you have to vote for policy, not personality, ethnicity, color, religion or party. It’s fundamentally common sense. Vote for who has the best and practical policies.

When you kill an American you also destroy a family, a village and the country. This Administration has no decency, moral compass or ethics to be head of the country and the free world. It’s a crime beyond comprehension. It’s time for Americans to connect the dots and also find an antidote for “TDS” Trump derangement syndrome. It’s a deadly state of mind!






    • Stan Norwalk

      Not a Maga. What is a Maga? Is it Donald Trump, is it the Republican Party and their policies? Define Maga. I don’t vote by party line. I will vote for any party, Democrat, Republican, independent, man, woman, straight, gay etc. It doesn’t matter. All political parties and candidates are flawed. I vote for their policies not for their personalities. I look at their professional history and track records not their private lives. In the present geopolitical world I want closed borders; I want to know who is entering our country by vetting them. I don’t want Venezuela’s prison or mental institution populations coming here for free stuff or to commit crimes, which is what we just got as the Venezuelan government just emptied out their prisons and mental institutions and sent these people here thru the open borders allowed by President Biden. I don’t want MS 13, terrorist, communist, Mexican cartels coming here or controlling our border working with China who bring in opiods like fentanyl and is distributed by the Cartels while our government does nothing to save 110,000 Americans that die each year from these drugs. We lost less lives in the Vietnam War, 7,500 American lives a year or a total of 56,200 in 8 years. I want to save and protect American lives, support our police. I will vote for the person not the party and the one who can do that gets my vote. I am against CRT, DEI, affirmative action, identity politics, woke policies, allowing our educational system to determine if your child is a boy or girl. I want a strong military which gives us peace through strength. I want qualified people to run our government and not select them by identify politics. I want us to control our own borders, not criminal cartels. And yes I am for immigration where we can vet people through a process that brings in those who can contribute and are not coming here to get free stuff or kill us, contaminate our water, destroy our power grids, infrastructure and way of life. It’s called common sense.

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