Saturday, January 18Current Events

Email to my ex Israeli Sabra girl friend who hates Trump. Her parents were Holocaust survivors.


Author: Stan Norwalk

She is a professional licensed clinical social worker and ex girl friend


I read your email with great interest. You said ex-President Trump is a psychopath and you would never vote for him. I am not questioning your judgement as to whether he is or not a psychopath.


Here is my point of view.


How do you decide who to vote for president in 2024 Trump or Biden? Most politicians are flawed. So you have to look at their track record not their personal life record. You can’t listen to what they say; you have to review what they did because too many are always running for office all the time and try to please everyone for votes by saying whatever that audience that particular day is interested in hearing. It’s  not what they say it’s what they do that counts.

We are not voting for the Rose Bowl Queen or the most popular person in the class. We are voting for basic common sense life issues that affect us all. Most candidates have skeletons in their closet. It’s not an easy decision.

What is most important is how good a President they were. You have to look at their achievements that is Trump’s 4 year term vs. President Biden’s 4 years. Both these men fit the definition as  psychopaths according to the Google dictionary. You could be right. Biden fits into this definition as well as do too many past presidents.

Google’s  definition for psychopath:

“Noun. psy·​cho·​path ˈsī-kə-ˌpath. 1.: a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one’s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.”

Here is some history on Presidents who were popular and loved yet had serious flaws in their character, were egocentric, lacked remorse in their actions, had an absence of empathy for others and often criminal tendencies. That is the definition of psychopath gotten from the internet. You stated that about Trump but nothing about Biden. You said about Trump:  “I think he is a psychopath”.

Let me show you what I found.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt hated Jews, would not let them into the country during the war, said he was glad he had no Jewish blood in his veins, said the reason Jews are hated is because they wine too much and said they have too much power for their small numbers. Roosevelt did nothing,  zero, in the WWII European Theater to disrupt the transport and murder of Jews and others that Hitler hated. FDR did nothing, did not lift a finger. To me that is hate of the deepest kind. AKA anti-Semitism. Yet Jews voted for him. Is he a psychopath?

Same goes for Winston Churchill.  Polish Zegota leader Jan Karski (A Christian savior of Jews) brought the news of the concentration death  camps  in person to both these leaders. Jan Karski’s message was of the most important urgency. His mission was to request immediate help for  the Jews and others in these death camps. Churchill stood Karski up for his appointment and Roosevelt told Karski “the best thing we can do for the Jews is win the war”. Roosevelt and Churchill two of the most loved and popular leaders in history hated or at least couldn’t care at all for these deaths and suffering. Anti-Semites and hateful behavior. Yet they were loved, respected and Jews in America voted for Roosevelt.

I have a deep sense of empathy for your great parents Katie and Willi who survived the holocaust. They were wonderful people.  I was blessed to know them. They treated me like a son .But they were victims of these two men who were popular, respected and loved.

Let’s review some of the psychopathic behavior of other Presidents like John F. Kennedy who violated his marriage vows bringing woman into the White House under his wife’s nose. He had been with Marilyn Monroe, Angie Dickinson and many others.

There were many Presidents who violated their marriage vows in and out of the White House besides JFK. Some of the most recent ones in history were Presidents Warren G. Harding, FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, (Carter thought about it), Bill Clinton, (plead guilty to sexual assault), HW Bush etc. Some of these guys were great Presidents. Are they psychopaths? Some might say they were behaving like “horny” men with over active hormones.

Now I present what  may be a different type of psychopathic behavior.

President Obama and President Biden enabled Iran to make 100s of billions of dollars as well as sent money to Iran (Israel’s number one enemy and vice versa) and allowed Iran to sell oil which enabled Iran to finance the terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others.

Iran is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world. Their number one target is Israel and the Jews, you and me and your family.  So the way I see it is Obama and Biden financed Iran who in turn financed Hamas who in turn killed Israelis and Americans on Oct 7th 2023.

Lets connect the dots. Allowing Iran a country that the United States declared a terrorist country yet to sell oil  shows that the United States is aiding and abbetting Iran in its proxy war against Israel. The United States is then a proxy government waging war against Israel via Iran and Iran likewise is waging a proxy war against Israel via Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.  Follow the money. Under President Trump he cut off all funding to the Palestinians and sanctioned Iran in such a harsh way that Iran was unable to sell the amount of oil needed to rainse money that funded terrorism against Israel and Americans.

When I hear the media and celebrities say that Trump is “Hitler like” they have it back wards . This description exteme as it is should apply to Obama and Biden who are enabling the funding to Iran by allowing them to sell oil in the world market yet at the same time suppressing our sales in the world market.

Obama was well liked and popular but was his foreign policy anti Semitic? Yes. Was it deliberate or misguided?  I don’t know. Obama was a good guy. But not to Jews. Same for Biden. Biden had over half the votes and won the election which made him more popular than Trump. (Some don’t agree on the 2020 election count  but that is a story for another day). But both Obama and Biden supported Iran. Of course they did not say that publicly. On the contrary both Presidents Obama and Biden said they supported Israel which they did. But they financed both sides. What’s that all about? A political maneuver to gain favor and votes  from both sides?

So how do you want to label these well liked Presidents?


Trump has his own flaws but he did more for Blacks, Hispanics, and Jews than any President in U. S. history. Yet you call Trump a psychopath.

He was a womanizer and many other things but as the leader of the “Free World”, Trump kept the world and America safe, building a wall to secure a safe border as Democrats fought him not to have a wall. Under his watch there were no wars against Israel, or Ukraine with Russia, etc. Why? Because Trump made sure money to Iran was tight so they could not buy weapons to feed Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthies and other terror groups who were mainly out to destroy Israel. “From the river to the sea” was one of their war cries against Israel.

Money to Iran was a pathway to terrorism and destruction of Israel and lets not forget the Palestinian civilian population that Hamas(the ruling government in Gaza) does not care about. The civilian population gets caught in the middle of the military assaults as Hamas uses them as human shields during battles with the IDF.

Trump kept our enemies and  our allies off balance to get his way. Russia and China thought Trump was crazy, unstable or maybe too smart. Our enemies were cautious about making any moves that would upset Trump. That was Trump’s business minded negotiating skill  he applied to world politics that he had practiced in his businesses to do deals.  He kept his opponents and competition off balance.

Read his book “The Art of the Deal”. He knows how to throw people off balance and negotiate. One of his quotes and I paraphrase is: don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal, it will be there when you come back.

Under Trump Inflation was below 2 %, gas was below $2.00 McDonald’s hamburgers were $1.19, and real unemployment was at 4.5%. The world was more stable than now. Trump was tough on crime. Trump would never allow Venezuela to empty out its mental institutions and prisons into our country. Biden does not care,

For Joe Biden he is just recruiting new Democrat voters. He doesn’t care who they are, their criminal background or where they came from. Its another vote for the Democrats.  He doesn’t care about the murder, assault and rape of woman and young girls or the 300 young Americans who die each day from opiods crossing our borders compliments of China, the Mexican cartels and yes President Biden. Now please tell me who is the psychopath?

And talking about liars just listen to what Biden says about the job reports. President Biden’s claim that  he  is responsible for all the  new jobs is a distortion of the truth; they were mostly jobs that were lost from the Covid Pandemic that came back during the recovery so he lies when he says he created these new jobs. Most of the new jobs were in the government sector not in the private sector. Many were second,  third and part time jobs that individuals and families took because of inflation that Biden created by his over spending (aka buying votes) his anti American energy policy, sanctioning American drilling and pipe lines while simultaneously removing sanctions on Iran to drill for oil. He transferred American oil wealth and American jobs to some of our enemies Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and Iraq as well as to some of our allies by sanctioning and reducing our production of oil and gas.

Who is Israel’s friend Trump, or Obama and Biden? Which psychopath do you prefer? Trump has done more for Israel than any President in history.

Think about that. Biden suppresses our fossil fuel industry from producing and exporting oil and gas but allows Israel’s enemy Iran to re-start their drilling that Trump had stopped Iran from doing when he became president.

We were a net exporter under Trump but now we have to buy some of our oil from our enemies under Biden. Whose side is Biden on? Does this have anything to do with the Biden family getting millions and millions of dollars from China, Ukraine, Russia and others some of whom are our enemies?

Remember the Biden family took millions of dollars in secret from China, Ukraine, Russia and others for perhaps influence peddling or some unknown services performed by them is unclear. These countries are allies of Iran. Start connecting the dots

Next lie is that Trump is an anti-Semite and a Hitler like person as some have called him ?

Follow me here:

Trump recognized the Golan Heights, moved the embassy to Jerusalem, and stopped foreign aid to any countries that terrorized or financed terrorism against Israel Trump stopped sending the annual American aid and stipend to the Palestinians because of their assaults on Israel. Never stopped this aid to Israel. Trump and his son in law Jared Kushner authored the Abraham Accords which brought peace, commerce and tourism between Israel and 4 Arab countries. Saudi Arabia was going to be next to join but Oct 7th interrupted this process.

That to me says that Trump loves Israel and America with all his heart not by false words but by actual deeds. Obama and Biden did nothing for Israel. Only hurt them. Why who knows. I believe they are anti-Semites but it could be a flawed foreign policy, influence peddling, etc it doesn’t matter why, what matters is Israelis and Americans died under their watch especially on Oct 7th 2023.

Wealthy Jewish families like Las Vegas and Macau casino moguls Miriam and Sheldon Adelson   gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Trumps Presidential campaign and for his legal fees and the Ted Arison family of Carnival Cruise lines also donates millions of dollars. So to all Trumps’ critics who say Trump is Hitler like? Not possible . Its fake news . I doubt he would jeopardize all this money coming from billionaire Jewish donors.

Of all the Presidential psychopaths, Trump is my favorite.

The end of my email.

She is a licensed clinical social worker in the United States. She was born in Israel. Her parents are Czechoslovakian holocaust survivors. Their story can be read in a book about their lives that covers from Pre-WW II Europe through their trials and tribulations in concentration camps, how they survived the camps, their journey to Israel and eventually to the United States of America. They were some of the most incredible, intelligent, caring, and most memorable people I have ever met. When you were in their home in Forest Hills you felt welcome and at home and knew something was special there. It was in the air, it was in their kindness, and generosity to all who visited them.

You can read the gut wrenching heartfelt story about her parents  Kati and Willi’s death defying survival from war torn Czechoslovak, the Nazis, the concentration camps  and their  journey through one of the most deadliest wars in history in their book called:

“No Past Tense”

Love and Survival in the Shadows of the Holocaust

By D.Z. Stone

“A must read”







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