Saturday, January 18Current Events

Vice President and Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris and the Democrat party have had nearly 4 years of open borders. This is what it got us.

Vice President Democratic Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris and the Democrat party have had nearly 4  years under the Biden administration of open borders. This is what it got us.

Open borders that brought us drugs like fentanyl resulting in  300 dead young Americans A DAY, Child Slavery, human trafficking, prostitution, gun smuggling, MS 13, Venezuelan gangs just let out of Venezuelan prisons deliberately sent here by our enemy President Nicolas Maduro to rid Venezuela of crimes and criminals. Now Venezuela has their lowest crime rate in their history while ours is climbing.

Thousands of young men of military age coming here from countries like China, Iran, Russia and other unfriendly countries are allowed to cross our sovereign borders without the least bit of vetting. Our government has no common sense because  they basically are importing future Democrat votes. They know what they are doing with no respect for our citizens.

The outcome of drug smuggling and sales of opioids brings street gangs and gun violence  into the inner cities and the most victims are  proportionately  minorities. Democrats are not friends of young Black and Brown people especially the young men and woman who deal in drugs to survive.

The new border law that Republicans rejected was a fraud on the American people because in the law, it specifically said that we will limit border crossings to 5,000 a day as an option not as a firm rule. This did not control border crossings but standardize the status quo which is unsustainable to our infrastructure and current state of finances.

The extra border guards in the bill will do the usual, aid in the paperwork; assist the migrants through the process , help changing diapers, and help feeding babies.

We are losing our tax dollars to these people and putting legitimate applicants who are following the immigration application rules  who got on line, applied according to the law forced to the back of the line.

The money used to clothe, house, feed, provide health care and education could pay for every American to receive FREE health care and free college education. This would eliminate medical bankruptcy and allow every American who wanted an education or learn a trade a fair shot at it and not have to compete for their own tax dollars with those who have not earned this right and paid nothing into our system.

President Biden illegally invited them to rush our borders and invade our country.

That is what Kamala Harris stands for and that is what the Democrat party wants. A guaranteed Democrat voter base that will give them a voting  monopoly for power that will  tip the scales of lady justice in  their favor for decades and perhaps longer .

The “Democrat” party name is a fraud. Their party name “Democrat” is a lie.
They call themselves Democrats but they are really left wing socialist who are enabling the worst period of time in our nation’s history since slavery, the Civil war and WWII.

Vice President Kamala Harris as President will continue to put America last .

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